Luxon 2.x

I plan on using date- and time-stamps in a variety of forms (human-readable, machine-readable) on Earlier, whilst yak shaving, I discovered Luxon, a powerful, modern and friendly wrapper for JavaScript dates and times.

Eleventy uses Luxon for dates and times and importing DateTime from Luxon provides a comprehensive cross-section of DateTime methods.

You can install Luxon via npm on the command line. Open up a new terminal window, cd to your sites directory and install Luxon:

npm install luxon

In your .eleventy.js config file, set up Luxon as a const, as follows:

const { DateTime } = require("luxon");

Luxon will now fire into action whenever DateTime is called.

Credit where credit’s due: Thank you to Anthony Killeen and Stephanie Eckles for their notes on Eleventy and Luxon, which helped me find my feet. Muchos gracias!